Seemingly dramatic title, highly realistic tale as old as time.
The holidays can be amazing, fantastic, full of love, but they can also be downright awful, soul-sucking, and lonely. So, how do you get the most out of the holidays for YOU?
First off, grab your calendar/day planner/schedule of choice and fill it in with your MUST dos (work, appointments, etc...). Then, look at everything you've been invited to and pick and choose your WANT tos; the places/things you want to attend and then see if that fits into your schedule. If you have one weekend booked with three major functions, and it's overwhelming because you have social anxiety, are introverted, or just aren't feeling it, pick the one which will cause you the most joy and say no to the rest. If you're super down for every event, and it doesn't leave you worse off, then go for it!
Second, consider the emotions that will be invoked during these events. Do you argue with your family? Would you rather take that time and get some stuff done at home or watch movies with the dog(s)? Do you get anxiety being around your sister-in-law? Is this your first holiday without the love of your life? Be really aware of emotions that could come out, and prepare yourself mentally.
And on the flip side, some of us don't have anywhere to spend the holidays for any number of reasons (location, falling out with family/friends, inability to travel, or to have visitors). If this is you, please feel free to reach out to someone and ask if they mind if you tag along (co-worker, neighbour, acquaintance), or ask if someone can give you a ride and you'll pay for the gas or bake for them (or some other small gesture). If you know someone who may not have anywhere to celebrate, be compassionate and empathetic. And extend an invite if you can.
What I'm really asking you to do if you're feeling over (or under!) whelmed is to really think about how you will feel before, during, and after any holiday event. Please do not worry about the reactions of others to your response... some will understand, some won't. That's not on you. Looking out for yourself comes before anything else (or anyone's feelings)! You cannot be happy, healthy, and/or healing if you aren't taking care of yourself.
Other resources:
Ten Things to Remember to Beat the Christmas Overwhelm
Stress, depression and the holidays; Tips for coping
Have a super rest of the week and weekend, and remember that it's okay to say no! TRULY.
Much love, and then some more. Xoxox, M