Hey, fam,
Goals are complicated. There's so many to choose from, so many things to do to work towards them, and so many distractions along the way! Does anyone else get super distracted even while trying to do a simple job like tidying up one room? I find that what should take maybe 30 minutes of my time, can end up being a four hour job by the time I'm through with all the other distractions along the way. All of a sudden, there are other things you wanted to do, or stuff on your to-do list, and then you're hanging laundry on the line and answering emails while your vacuum lays plugged in and silent, in the middle of the room upstairs.
So, how do we achieve them? First off, we need to define them. And what kind of goals are we talking about here? Short-term, long-term, in your lifetime?! Things that help me with this are writing goals down and making a plan. I've wanted to write to an audience my entire life (and I'm not sure what the hell took me so long to get here, but here I am!), but I had no plan. Zero. It was infrequent and inconsistent, so I threw together a quick plan of just putting pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard, so to speak. As I continue on my writing journey, I'm sure this plan will change a million times, but it's a start, and it's easy enough to stick to.
I love to-do lists; I love crossing things off of them. Because I'm off for the summer, I like to create weekly "to do" lists to keep myself busy and something to work towards. I've been known to hibernate or play video games, which in excess for me, leads to a crash in my mental health; I begin to feel worthless, useless and inadequate. By the end of August, I'm usually an anxious mess, putting on weight and I legit cannot wait to get back to work to feel meaningful again. I refuse to let that happen again this summer, so I started with writing, but I'm going to set some other goals: creating new cleaning/de-cluttering habits, consistent exercising or running, spending quality time with friends/family/Adam/Kinsey.
I'd love to hear about your goals and how you work towards them. I'd love for this to become a sharing community that educates others, and helps push them into the direction they'd like to go. You can comment on the blog below! If you're not into public posts, I'd love to hear from you via dm, or email.
Enjoy the rest of the week and the upcoming weekend, and as always, thanks for reading!